4 Great Exercises to Flatten Lower Abs For Women

These are three exercises to flatten lower abs as well as get rid of that stubborn body fat that seems to accumulate around this area. Remember that these exercises should be part of a total body fitness plan that includes aerobics, proper diet, and the whole body strength training program.

These exercises are especially well-suited for women.

1. Stand with the feet a few inches apart and arms outstretched at your sides. Now slowly twists as far left as possible and feel the contraction of your abdominals. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly twist in the other direction. Repeat this exercise for several repetitions.

2. Sit on the floor, legs bent, knees together and feet flat on the floor (you can hook them under a piece of furniture if necessary). With your hands clasped behind your head, leaned backwards at a 45 degree angle and twist your body completely to the left. Hold this position for a few seconds. Return to the upright sitting position and once again leaned backwards, this time twisting your body to the right. For variation, as you perform the twisting motion, you can touch the left elbow to the right knee and touch the right elbow to the left knee.

3. Stand with your feed a few inches apart, your left arm bent over your head so that you can touch your right ear. Now been sideways as far over to the right as possible, at the same time sliding your right hand down your right leg. Repeat several times, then reverse the position of your arms and perform the exercise for the same number of repetitions, this time bending over to the left.

4. Lie on your back, hands on the floor over your head and touching each other, legs flat on the floor and together. Slowly raise your legs to a vertical position and hold them there for a few seconds. Slowly lower your legs back down to the floor and repeat the movement. You can make the exercise harder by not allowing the feet to touch the floor when you lower them back down to the starting position.

These exercises to flatten lower abs are all excellent and should be practiced daily. Be sure to breathe steadily when performing all of these movements.

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