Women wanting to look attractive and sexy are always looking for the best ab exercises so they can look good in a bikini on the beach or just wearing skimpy summer outfits. The abs are the center of the body and eyes are drawn naturally to this area. A firm trimmed midsection besides looking very appealing says a lot about the lifestyle and fitness of the person. You carn't just buy a beautiful midsection the same way you buy beautiful clothes, you have to earn them with determination and discipline.
Diet and the food you eat are part of the program to obtain beautiful abs, as the fat has to be stripped away to reveal the toned midsection beneath. Replacing junk food with fresh healthy foods not only helps in the fat burning process but enhances the health of the individual. Abdominal exercises themselves are also employed to tone and firm up the abs.All round body exercises are also utilised to develop core strenght and firm the entire body. Cardio exercises need to be aded in order to speed up the metabolism and burn excess belly fat.
5 of the best ab exercises for women are.
1) Crunches, still one of the best ab exercises known to both men and women. No need for fancy equipment they can be performed anywhere.
2) Leg raises, performed in a variety of ways (lying, seated, hanging) they are one of the best ab exercises employed by fitness trainers to professional bodybuilder and athletes.
3) Star jumps, Performed vigorously and quickly are not only a good warm up exercise for an ab workout but will provide a good cardio workout burning belly fat fast
4) Hula Hoops, another excellent ab exercise for women. Using a weighted hoop for added resistance they can be performed while watching TV or a DVD, a 10-20 minute ab workout while you would normally be seated and having you mind occupied while exercising passes the time quickly.
5) Step ups, again another best ab exercise for women that can be done anywhere including watching the TV, tones and firm the hips and mid section as well as developing the shape of the legs, they are also excellent as a fat burning exercise.
Chris Deltise has over 20 years experience as a trainer in many Gyms throughout Europe and the UK. Learn how you can melt away the fat and develop beautiful sexy flat abs in the shortest time possible.
After all your hard work, you look in the mirror only to be frustrated with your results. You have been working your abs really hard and instead of a six-pack, you only see a four-pack. Don’t give up -- the lower part of your abs is the hardest muscle to work. Knowing how to target your lower abs effectively will help you get that six-pack. For more secrets for flat belly and toned bikini body, check out Shape's exclusive weight loss plan, Ab Workout 4 Women.